

About This Blog

Do You Even Cook, Bro? is a play on the internet meme: Do You Even Lift, Bro? and was created for a couple different reasons.

Naturally, boredom, unemployment, and curiosity were driving forces behind this blog's establishment, but it ultimately came down to two key factors:

1.  I wanted to show people that cooking for yourself will improve your life in a myriad of ways. Ladies (or gentlemen) will be at your beck and call once they've sampled your succulent variations (as the Chairman says).   You will also save money and control the calories when you become the master of your culinary domain.  Heck, you might even convince your parents not to kick you out of the house... for now. 

2.  As a polyglot, I hoped to reach past the United States and the rest of the English-speaking world to engage anyone of any language or background and encourage them to give cooking a shot, as well as send any delicious recipes my way. 

So, look around, learn something, leave a comment, and get cooking!

Si tengas preguntas sobre las recetas o el blog, mándame un mensaje.

Se abbia problemi con le ricette o il blog, mandami un messaggio.

Se tenha perguntas sobre as receitas ou o blog, envie-me uma mensagem.