
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Super Easy Valentine's Day Idea: White Chocolate Rice Crispy Hearts

Aiming to please on Valentine's Day but short on culinary know-how?  Try these easy and delicious puffed rice treats topped with white chocolate.

There's really not much to say about this recipe.  It's a pretty fail-safe option that most people tend to enjoy.  The actual recipe is based on the classic one you'd find on the box, but the butter and marshmallows are doubled for extra deliciousness.  Enjoy.

Video Recipe Coming Soon...


6 C puffed rice cereal
6 T butter
20 oz marshmallows (2 bags)

1 C white chocolate for melting (200 g)
red food dye (optional)

1.  On low heat, melt butter and marshmallows until mixture is completely smooth.
2.  Stir in rice cereal and stir until coated completely.
3.  Move mixture into 9"x11" baking pan that has been sprayed with nonstick, rubbed with butter, or lined with parchment, and pack mixture down using piece of parchment paper.
4.  Allow to cool and then cut into desired shapes.
5.  Melt chocolate in bain marie* and stir constantly.  Once melted, dip shaped treats into chocolate and move to a piece of parchment paper to cool.  If using dye, add in gradually to achieve desired colors.  If chocolate gets too dark, add more white chocolate to lighten it. 

*Bain marie or double boiler is a setup you should know about.  Take a large pot and add water.  Bring that water to a boil and lower to a simmer.  Place another pot or metal mixing bowl atop the simmering water.  Make sure the bottom of the bowl DOES NOT come in contact with the water.  This method allows you to gently apply heat to things like chocolates and zabaglione

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