
Thursday, April 10, 2014

How to Chop an Onion like a Pro

Onions and their family members (alliums) are like the underwear of the culinary world.  Chefs use them every day and they come in many different colors and varieties.  Just like knowing how to put on underwear is the first step to getting dressed, chopping up an onion is your first step towards dinner.

Knowing how to cut up an onion is arguably the most basic and necessary skill in the kitchen, but don't worry if the furthest you've pushed it was boiling some water.  Chopping an onion is not only easy, once you can do this, you'll be able to break down garlic, shallots, leeks, tomatoes, potatoes, and more.

This video covers...

1.  2 Methods to Chop an Onion (Grid & Quick Way)
2.  The culinary term "Chopping"
3.  Small dice, medium dice, large dice
4.  How this technique relates to other foods (shallots, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes)

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Back to Basics

For the first time on the Do You Even Cook, Bro? blog we're doing a themed month.  For the entirety of April I'll be dropping some of the most basic and necessary culinary knowledge needed to get cooking.  This means things like knife skills, the five mother sauces, and under-utilized techniques will be covered with multiple recipe tie-ins.

In fact, I will be adding a page solely dedicated to these techniques on the blog, ever-so creatively titled: Basic Skills.  Eventually, this area will be replete with information on stuff like how to dice an onion, julienne a carrot, make a velouté, in addition to charts showing average times for blanching, searing, etc. 

Now you'll have a place to look for the basics instead of having to dig through dozens of video recipes hoping to catch a technique on camera.  Putting all the prep work and simple stuff in one place will make you a more informed cook, as well as allow me to devote more time in videos to the advanced techniques that really deserve attention.

I hope you continue to enjoy the blog as we go back to the basics this April.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.